Shania Twain has released new music, a track entitled “Poor Me,” the lead single off of her forthcoming new comeback album Now. “I’ve got happy moments, I’ve got sad moments,” Twain tells Rolling Stone Country. “And I had to decide what I wanted the album to be. And I wanted the diversity of emotions in there, so I had to basically pull out things that were leaning the balance any one direction too much.” “Poor me this, poor me that / Why do I keep looking back,” she sings on “Poor Me.” “Still can’t believe he’d leave me to love her / So pour me, another.” “That’s the farthest side of feeling really sorry for myself, you know, in life, and I’ve been there many times in my life over various things,” says Twain. “To me, [that song] was the epitome of that emotion.” Now will be released on September 29. Copyright(c) 2017 All Rights ReservedLess «