Annie Lennox Named First Female Chancellor Of Glasgow Caledonian University
Annie Lennox has been named the first ever female chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University. She will be formally installed during a ceremony at Glasgow Caledonian University in July 2018.More »
By on November 29, 2017
Annie Lennox has been named the first ever female chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University. She will be formally installed during a ceremony at Glasgow Caledonian University in July 2018. “It is truly a remarkable honor to be invited to become Chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University. I am humbled by it and intend to serve this outstanding institution in the very best way I can,” Lennox said in a statement. “Following in the footsteps of such an exemplary individual as Muhammad Yunus is somewhat daunting but I’m very much looking forward to working with everyone in a collaborative way, so I can be of good value to the students and the establishment of university.” Yunus adds that he was “very happy to know that Lennox had accepted the invitation to become the next and first ever female Chancellor of GCU.” She will be formally installed during a ceremony at Glasgow Caledonian University in July 2018. Copyright(c) 2017 All Rights ReservedLess «