Taylor Swift Helps Pregnant Fan Buy A House And Baby Gear
Taylor Swift has gone above and beyond for one fan in need this holiday season. The fan, named Stephanie, hit social media earlier this week to reveal that Swift truly stood behind her reputation and donated money for the pregnant single mother to buy a house and lots of baby gear.More »
By mcarthurtiptoptux@comcast.net on December 25, 2017
Taylor Swift has gone above and beyond for one fan in need this holiday season. The fan, named Stephanie, hit social media earlier this week to reveal that Swift truly stood behind her reputation and donated money for the pregnant single mother to buy a house and lots of baby gear. “I’ve finally decided to tell you all what Taylor did for me this night,” wrote Stephanie, who also shared a photo with Swift backstage during her 1989 tour. “What many of you don’t know is that for eight months of my pregnancy I was homeless. Long story short our first flat was condemned for health and safety reasons and we lost everything. To add to the stress, during this time [my partner] Matthew lost his job.” She says her mother reached out to Swift and asked that the star make Stephanie “feel special” with tickets and backstage passes to a show: “After the show Taylor took us back to her dressing room where she told me, ‘Stephanie, You’ve been in my life for a long time and you’ve never asked me for anything. You could have reached out and I would have helped you. But you didn’t. [Your] mum told me. She told me, ‘I want you to be able to enjoy your little girl, not have to worry about all this stuff. That night she gave me her hand and lifted me off the ground. The same way she’s done for 12 years. I love her forever.” Copyright(c) 2017 RTTNews.com. All Rights ReservedLess «