10 Years Old & In College! Here’s What You Can Learn From Him
By Ethan Millard on January 26, 2018
This article is sponsored by My Tech High, proud sponsor of the series Learning Without Limits. My Tech High is a public school program tailored to the unique needs of each student. In addition to core curriculum, the My Tech High program gives students a strong foundation in creativity, innovation, technology, and business.
Connor Elggren is 10 years old and starting to take college-level courses in biology. That’s pretty unusual. But you may have your own high achieving student in your home. Connor’s story might hold some answers to helping your child achieve their best.
Get Your Child Into Music
Learning an instrument has huge benefits for children. Multiple studies show learning music improves memory, math skills, and reading comprehension.
Your child also learns perseverance and responsibility. These are important skills. Even gifted children can be left behind if they’re not able to take responsibility for themselves. Music helps them learn that.
Don’t Be Afraid To Challenge Your Child
As a parent, your instinct is to protect your child. But sometimes they need to really be challenged. Just make sure you have a specific plan. There are a lot of great programs out there that can help you challenge your child in productive and meaningful ways.
Connor’s family, for example, uses the My Tech High program. This has allowed Connor to advance beyond what a normal grade level classroom would allow. He has even been able to attend class at the University of Utah. At ten years old!
Keep Them Close To Stable Role Models
Connor is accompanied to his University class by his grandfather, Donald. This is an important time for both of them. Keeping your child close to important role models will help keep them grounded in life. It also keeps them motivated and improves their self-esteem. High achieving children can feel a lot of stress and anxiety. It helps to have people close.
It can also help keep your child well rounded. Thanks to his grandpa, Connor’s interests now extend beyond music and biology. He’s also embraced his grandpa’s love of cars. That’s pretty cool.