Hillary Scott And Husband Welcome Twin Girls
Hillary Scott and her husband Chris Tyrell have confirmed the birth of their twin daughters. The pair broke the news earlier this week and the new additions to the family join their big sister Eisele. They broke the news with a photo posted to Instagram in which they have one of the girls wearing a hat with the letter “A” and the other wearing letter “B.”More »
By mcarthurtiptoptux@comcast.net on January 30, 2018
Hillary Scott and her husband Chris Tyrell have confirmed the birth of their twin daughters. The pair broke the news earlier this week and the new additions to the family join their big sister Eisele. They broke the news with a photo posted to Instagram in which they have one of the girls wearing a hat with the letter “A” and the other wearing letter “B.” They didn’t reveal many details about the girls but captioned the photo: “We can’t wait to share more about them in the days to come,” the Instagram post continues. “Thank you to everyone who prayed and prayed for these little ladies, and thank you Lord for healthy babies.” The pair first revealed the twin pregnancy in August and later revealed their gender in September. Copyright(c) 2018 RTTNews.com. All Rights ReservedLess «