John Mayer Shares ‘New Light’ Video
John Mayer has released the music video for his newest single, “New Light.” “I’m John Mayer and I’m ready to be a star!” the singer says before the song kicks in. The video is packed with low-budget flourishes, including Mayer pretending to fly over a city and doing a back-to-back lean with himself in front of the Eiffel Tower.More »
By on May 25, 2018
John Mayer has released the music video for his newest single, “New Light.” The new visual was made through the use of a green screen, giving Mayer the opportunity to transport himself to a number of wacky locales. “I’m John Mayer and I’m ready to be a star!” the singer says before the song kicks in. Mayer full embraces his inner goofball in the new visual, pretending at one point to fly over a city. In an Instagram caption, Mayer says about the quality of the video, “I needed to make a video for New Light but nobody could agree on a budget, so I went to a place downtown and made this with a company that usually does birthday and Bar Mitzvah videos.” Mayer released his seventh studio album, The Search For Everything, in April of 2017. Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «