Prince Estate Signs Distribution Deal With Sony

Sony has signed an exclusive distribution agreement with the estate of late music icon, Prince, allowing them to re-release up to 35 previously released albums and singles by the star, starting this year.More »

By on June 28, 2018

Sony has signed an exclusive distribution agreement with the estate of late music icon, Prince, allowing them to re-release up to 35 previously released albums and singles by the star, starting this year. “The Sony team’s enthusiasm and deep knowledge of Prince’s music make them the ideal partner to release these iconic bodies of work,” said Troy Carter, entertainment adviser of Prince Estate. “We’re looking forward to working with the heirs and Sony on giving fans what they’ve been waiting for — more great music from Prince.” The re-release includes 19 Prince albums originally released between the years 1995 and 2010, including albums such as The Golden Experience and Musicology. Additionally, Sony will also have rights to other post-1995 material, including singles, B-sides and remixes by the artist. However, the deal does not include Prince’s soundtrack albums, Purple Rain and Under The Cherry Moon. Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «

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