Jennifer Lopez Speaks Out Against U.S. Border Policy

Jennifer Lopez has joined the chorus of celebrities, activists and politicians to voice her protest at the government’s child detention policy.More »

By on June 24, 2018

Jennifer Lopez has joined the chorus of celebrities, activists and politicians to voice her protest at the government’s child detention policy. Calling on fellow Americans to come together to fight against the “atrocities” that separated over 2,300 undocumented children from their parents, Lopez tweeted, “Reading the news about the separation of children from their families, I can’t help but think about my own children.” “I cannot fathom a world where they would be ripped from my arms, taken to a place no better than a prison far from home,” she wrote. “I feel we will never forget this moment in time. Bearing witness to these atrocities and that’s what they are, I can say for sure, remaining silent is not an option,” she said. “But I also want you to remain hopeful,” she wrote in Twitter. “Hold fast to hope, faith and Love. We first need to admit we have a problem before we can heal it.” Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «

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