Paul McCartney has revealed that he once masturbated together with his Beatles band mate John Lennon while yelling out, “Brigitte Bardot!” “What it was was over at John’s house, and it was just a group of us. And instead of just getting roaring drunk and partying — I don’t even know if we were staying over or anything — we were all just in these chairs, and the lights were out, and somebody started masturbating, so we all did,” he told GQ magazine. “We were just, ‘Brigitte Bardot!’ ‘Whoo!’ And then everyone would thrash a bit more,” he added. The group masturbation session that involved McCartney, Lennon and three of his friends took place in their youth at Lennon’s house. McCartney recalled Lennon shouting ‘Winston Churchill!’ during the brief orgy. Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «