Paul McCartney has shared his home recorded rendition of “Dear Friend,” a song that was featured on Wings’ 1971 album Wild Life. McCartney’s recording of the John Lennon-inspired song and the remastered studio version of the track will be featured on the upcoming reissue of the 1971 LP, due out on December 7. McCartney said, “With ‘Dear Friend’, that’s sort of me talking to John after we’d had all the sort of disputes about The Beatles break up. I find it very emotional when I listen to it now. I have to sort of choke it back. I remember when I heard the song recently, listening to the roughs [versions of the remasterings] in the car. And I thought, ‘Oh God’. That lyric: ‘Really truly, young and newly wed’. Listening to that was like, ‘Oh my God, it’s true!’ I’m trying to say to John, ‘Look, you know, it’s all cool. Have a glass of wine. Let’s be cool.'” He added, “Luckily we did get it back together, which was like a great source of joy because it would have been terrible if he’d been killed as things were at that point and I’d never got to straighten it out with him. This was me reaching out. So, I think it’s very powerful in some very simple way. But it was certainly heartfelt.” Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «