Music legend Billy Joel recently opened about his views on U.S. President Donald Trump, a potential biopic about him, writing new music and turning 70. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Joel revealed that he is not a big fan of the president but added that he will not get politically involved in the upcoming 2020 election. “I see him as being from an entirely different planet,” Joel said of Trump. “I know he was born in Queens, but he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His father was rich and gave him a lot of money. I don’t know how much empathy he actually has for people who don’t live that kind of life. I’m not a big fan of his, so to be fair I don’t have a lot of insight into him.” “I don’t think I’m going to be politically involved. I find a lot of people resent celebrities touting their candidate. That can actually turn more people off than it can bring more people in,” he added about his involvement in 2020 election. When asked his 70th birthday on May 9th, Joel replied, “I got mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I’m happy to be alive. On the other hand, I don’t know how much of a party I deserve just for making it to 70. I mean, it’s a work night – you can’t have birthday cake, you can’t do any of that stuff.” Joel also said that he still writes music, but doesn’t record it. “It’s another kind of music altogether. It’s purely for my own edification. I don’t feel compelled to record it,” he said. “I don’t feel compelled to make myself be relevant. Like I said, I lived the rock & roll life, and I’m not writing that anymore.” With regard to a possible biopic, Joel argued his life is not “interesting enough to make a movie out of.” Copyright(c) 2019 All Rights ReservedLess «
Billy Joel Opens Up About Trump, Turning 70, Writing New Music

May 12, 2019, 8:35 AM