The Police drummer Stewart Copeland has dismissed the “huge myth” that members of the British rock band are at odds with each other. “We like each other, and we always have,” Copeland said in a recent interview with Billboard about the documentary that he produced about the band, titled Everyone Stares: The Police Inside Out. The documentary, which tells the story of The Police from their start through their breakup, is set to be re-released on May 31. “There was creative tension but our relationship with each other was then and has always been strong and we always enjoyed each other’s company — and still do,” according to the American musician and composer. “I think you see that in the film,” he added. “There’s footage of us just wandering the halls of radio stations, just bullshitting — at one point dancing in the dressing room. It’s just three guys with nothing to do for kicks but hang out while this incredible rocket ship was on its journey.” Copyright(c) 2019 All Rights ReservedLess «