What is Tik Tok? The app not Kesha

If you’re old enough to remember Kesha’s “Tik Tok,” you may not be “old” by the standard, but you’re probably still too old to know about the other TikTok, the app.

By mporter on February 13, 2020
(Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

By: Madeleine Porter

Tik Tok is taking over the world as a top social media networking site. It comes as no surprise if your kid is raving about Tik Tok while dancing and it leaves you scratching your head.

What is Tik Tok?

The app is, comparatively, a new and improved version of Vine. Users can shoot and edit 15-second videos usually to the theme of music. Yes, these are the weird “dance moves” your children are performing your kitchen.

Tik Tok can also be loosely described as a platform for amateur music videos. With the app’s musical roots it makes sense this is the main type of video you will find while scrolling.

Other movements such as parkour, gymnastics, and cheerleading are also popular. The main successor, other than dancing, is the comical value; Comedy overwhelms Tik Tok.

Is Tik Tok safe?

Tik Tok is still considered a social media site and the app is vulnerable to those threats you see on sites alike. It is a mash of Snapchat, Instagram, Musical.ly, and karaoke; the top priority of Tik Tok is to have fun.

Parents still have access to account privacy settings but parental controls do not exist within the app yet. Some concerns could arise from the use of explicit language, risque clothing, and derogatory comments arising from users.

The accounts made on Tik Tok have privacy options like turning off the option for people to comment in addition to only allowing people you know to view your videos. Tik Tok still has room to improve throughout the app.



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