Seniors are experiencing a unique graduation season. With the pandemic raging, traditional graduation celebrations have been altered or canceled altogether. Graduation ceremonies are taking place in living rooms instead of with peers. For some, graduating high school or college is a goal they never believed was possible of accomplishing.

A handful of celebrities and public figures came together to throw a graduation ceremony like never seen before. YouTube hosted a four-hour commencement celebration where familiar faces addressed the graduating class of 2020.

Who celebrated?

In a series from Youtube titled “Dear Class of 2020,” people like Beyonce and Alicia Keys dropped words of wisdom from their computer screens. Michelle Obama made a guest appearance to congratulate graduates all over the nation while sprinkling in some inspirational advice.

Oh yes, can’t forget to mention President Obama gave a commencement speech.

The former president and first lady aren’t the only people who popped by to say “you did it! Even during a global pandemic!” Musicians like Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga gave their congratulations. There were musical performances from Katy Perry and the k-pop group BTS.

Even The Simpsons even stopped by to say congratulations!

It was also educational. Graduates snagged a tutorial on how to DYI  their cap and gown. Or how to do the best graduation makeup.

Other influential and inspirational people joined the epic virtual party.

However, the best part is seniors shared their journey and explained what’s next for them. You hear their trials, triumphs, pitfalls, and dreams.

Not being able to celebrate milestone accomplishment with classmates by your side, not being able to throw the graduation cap high in the air to signify a completed chapter, is something worth mourning. The graduating class of 2020 did it! Despite all odds. And they will be remembered throughout history for doing so.

You can watch the whole commencement here.

Congratulations to the class of 2020!