Tim McGraw May Alter Workout Plans After Stage Collapse
Tim McGraw has revealed that he is considering some changes to his stringent workout schedule after he recently collapsed on stage. The star says that he was suffering from dehydration when he had the collapse earlier this week and it was likely caused by hitting the gym a little too hard pre-show.More »
By mcarthurtiptoptux@comcast.net on March 14, 2018
Tim McGraw has revealed that he is considering some changes to his stringent workout schedule after he recently collapsed on stage. The star says that he was suffering from dehydration when he had the collapse earlier this week and it was likely caused by hitting the gym a little too hard pre-show. While answering questions about the incident he said it was caused by “lots of flying and dehydration,” also adding: “I gotta cut my workouts short!” The show took place in Dublin, Ireland and members of the audience said he was clearly in bad shape, despite efforts to hide his condition: “When a spotlight was switched on him, he was slumped on his knees on the lefthand side of the stage,” Del Crooks, a member of the audience, told the BBC. “The light was quickly turned off, and you could see his crew helping him off — and the band ran over as well.” Copyright(c) 2018 RTTNews.com. All Rights ReservedLess «