Bruce Springsteen Speaks Out Against Border Policy
Bruce Springsteen spoke out against the “inhumane” immigration policy of the Trump administration earlier this week. While performing for his one-man-show on Broadway, the Boss broke script to address the current crisis at the US and Mexican boarder.More »
By on June 21, 2018
Bruce Springsteen spoke out against the “inhumane” immigration policy of the Trump administration earlier this week. While performing for his one-man-show on Broadway, the Boss broke script to address the current crisis at the US and Mexican boarder. Springsteen said he wanted to call out the “senior people in government who have cited a legal obligation to take over 2,000 children from their parents.” The Guardian reports Springsteen told a sold-out crowd, “For 146 shows, I have played pretty much the same set every night. Tonight demands something different.” Springsteen went on to play his 1995 protest song, “The Ghost of Tom Joad.” The song deals with poverty and homelessness. Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «