Father’s Day is Sunday, so let’s run down the list of best movie Dads! Let us know if we left someone out.
10. Nemo’s Dad, Marlin
Marlin crossed the whole ocean, and fought three sharks, man. Of course he was a bit overprotective. So he’s the first on our list.
9. Vito Corleone “The Godfather”
“A man that doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man.” That’s good advice. Of course, you can’t argue with Brando..
8. Clark Griswold
“Everybody in the car. Boat leaves in two minutes. Or, perhaps you don’t want to see the second largest ball of twine on the face of the earth, which is only four short hours away.” Plus, he punched a moose in the face
7. Darth Vader
I mean sure, your Dad is the most evil guy in the history of the universe, and we all know now what a wuss he was as a kid, but Luke’s old man still makes the list.
6. George McFly
“Last night, Darth Vader came down from Planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn’t take Lorraine out, that he’d melt my brain.” Not really fatherly there. Come to think of it, he really should have been much further down the list.
5. Ralphie’s Dad in “A Christmas Story”
“‘Fra-gi-le.’ Must be Italian.”
4. Henry Jones Sr.
“Junior, I have to tell you something. The floor’s on fire, see. And the chair!”
3. Mufasa
James Earl Jones making the list TWICE? Dang, dude!
2. Tom Bueller.
Takes time out of his busy day to check on Ferris, tell him to wrap a towel around his head, and then unknowingly flirts with his son’s girlfriend while on a lunch break. That’s a solid Dad right there.
1. Liam Neeson in Taken.
I would have used his carachters name. Brian? something.. But let’s face it, this is Liam Neeson, and he’s absolutly terrifying to bad guys. For THAT he is our #1 Dad this year!