You Can Now Stay in a Lisa Frank Themed Rental

By Saige Miller on October 10, 2019

80s and 90s babes around the country are rejoicing over the news of Lisa Frank teaming up with to create a nostalgic and vibrant stay in downtown Los Angeles.

The exclusive flat is covered head to toe with bright colors, making sure you never have a dull moment. Everything from the windows to the assortment of munchies in the kitchen is covered in a rainbow theme.


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The @lisafrank Flat is the most perfect 90s girl dream room! @hellofaheema and I are moving in! #hotelsxlisafrank

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When you first walk in, you’ll be greeted by Lisa Frank’s artistic mind. The mural on the wall portrays some of the most whimsical characters, the heart rug was designed specifically for the flat, and you’ll want nothing more than to take a snooze on the couch.

There is not a room in the house that doesn’t scream happiness. The office has all the Lisa Frank stationery you could dream of, the bathroom is GLOW IN THE DARK and completely decorated with colorful sea animals. You are living, breathing, and sleeping Lisa Frank!

Snag your chance to live your teenage dream from Oct. 11th-27th exclusively on! What’s the damage? $199 a night! not a bad price to pay to live in paradise.


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