Tim McGraw And Faith Hill Support March For Our Lives
Tim McGraw has thrown his support behind the legions of rallyers that took to the streets for the March for Our Lives event. Both McGraw and his wife Faith Hill have been outspoken supporters of the anti-gun violence movement and shared their support via Instagram.More »
By mcarthurtiptoptux@comcast.net on March 26, 2018
Tim McGraw has thrown his support behind the legions of rallyers that took to the streets for the March for Our Lives event. Both McGraw and his wife Faith Hill have been outspoken supporters of the anti-gun violence movement and shared their support via Instagram. “These kids are an inspiration. They are the hope of our world,” McGraw wrote on Instagram about the March for Our Lives. “No matter what, you have to applaud and appreciate their spirit, and their fortitude! I say right on!” Hill also commented encouraging fans to “[g]et out and march!!!!!!!” and to “listen to the children of this country.” “They are the future,” Hill added, “and they will fight to make sure their future is protected.” Copyright(c) 2018 RTTNews.com. All Rights ReservedLess «