New Hall & Oates Album Unlikely
John Oates of Hall & Oates says that a new album from the duo is more than likely not going to happen, even though they recently released a new single, “Philly Forget Me Not.”More »
By on July 3, 2018
John Oates of Hall & Oates says that a new album from the duo is more than likely not going to happen, even though they recently released a new single, “Philly Forget Me Not.” “I never say never, but I highly doubt it,” he tells Fox News. “I don’t think there’s any reason for us to make an album. I think today, singles are really the most important thing. Creating a single is a cool idea and we just did that with ‘Philly Forget Me Not,’ and we might do that again, but there is no reason to make another album.” “Philly Forget Me Not” features Train’s Pat Monahan and was released to promote their tour together. “I love those guys,” Oates said of Train. “I think they’re a great band, great guys, we just thought it would be cool to work with them together on this tour, and it’s been great to have something new on the radio and to kind of work together.” Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «