You just ate such a large meal. You are certain you have no room for dessert.

If you feel this way, you are wrong. You do have room the cake, the pie, or another sweet treat. Science says so.
The human body is capable of eating more beyond the moment when the feeling of “full” strikes during a meal. A study published with the U.S. National Library of Medicine says there appears to be within the human body an “undescribed anatomic phenomenon,” known as  “the ‘Pot de Crème.’”
You call it what you want, son. OMMM NOM


This is more than the dessert “filling in the cracks” between digested food, which the study says does not happen. There are no cracks to fill. The scientists behind the study refer to a ” hollow pouch” within the human stomach that can range from one to about six cups in size. This is believed to be where the food goes that you ate even though you thought you were full.

How large a person’s “hollow pouch” can expand to depends on the person.


My pouch is full.. of pie.  and cake.


The importance of the discovery is clear: You have room for pie.
A summary of the study is available at