Top ten love songs to blast this Valentine’s Day
By Saige Miller on February 14, 2020
By: Saige Miller
Regardless if you’re alone or have a Valentine, everyone can appreciate a good love song. When I listen to my favorite mushy-gushy songs, I find myself smiling, or belting the lyrics at the top of my lungs, usually out of key. But, who cares?! Because love is in the air!
Disclaimer: I don’t really care about Valentine’s Day. I do, however, care about all the awesome love jams I can blast to celebrate Cupid’s holiday.
So, without further adieu, here are my top ten favorite songs you will probably be able to hear me scream-singing throughout the day.
1. Strawberry Swing by Coldplay
I will absolutely walk down the aisle to this song if I ever find someone worthy enough to marry me.
2. Anyone Else But You by The Moldy Peaches
This song is precious and most known for being in the movie Juno.
3. Isn’t She Lovely by Stevie Wonder
Isn’t this song just lovely? Can’t help but boogie and smile to this groove.
4. My Love by Justin Timberlake
Justin’s smooth voice is enough to make you fall in love with your radio.
5. Such Great Heights by The Postal Service
I love the indie electronic vibe to this song. It’s so tender and you can’t help but sway your head from side to side while tapping your foot to the love radiating from the speakers. The lead singer of The Postal Service may also sound familiar to some… Because it’s Benjamin Gibbard… The lead singer of Death Cab for Cutie.
6. Crazy In Love by Beyonce and Jay-Z
An American classic. Nothing else to add.
7. Sea of Love by Cat Power
Beautiful song, accompanied by a beautiful voice, written by a beautiful human.
8. L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole
ICONIC SONG! Even more lovely when you remember it was featured inĀ The Parent TrapĀ
9. Make You Feel My Love by Adele
Ugh. Nothing quite like a love song by Adele to make you sob even when you’re massively in love.
10. Skinny Love by Bon Iver
Bon Iver has such a unique and heart-throbbing way of explaining his feelings. This song is an honest and realistic representation of how love operates. Patient, fine, balance, and kind.